Hope Church group IMG_3328.jpeg

Slow down, remember who you are, & renew your wonder with God

We provide unhurried, gentle, & thoughtfully designed spaces where you can find refreshment and renewal, along with friendship and support for your spiritual journey.

Woman sitting on a bench looking at NYC skyline spiritual formation retreat

In a culture that demands your attention and seeks to define you, how do you find time and space to focus on your journey with God and be restored?

We believe the rest God calls us to is not just about the amount of activity in our lives, but about the aliveness of our souls.

Come join us in journeying toward a more spacious life!

Our Offerings

  • Group of women sitting in chairs talking to each other spiritual direction

    Spiritual Direction

    A ministry of nonjudgmental and attentive presence inviting individuals and groups to open themselves to the mystery of God and grow in their awareness of God’s presence in the midst of their everyday lives.

  • Retreat participants sitting in circle with Erika Lee facilitating


    Curated and customized retreat facilitation integrating silence, creativity, and contemplative practices.

  • A group on the Camino Walk stop to take a photo

    Gatherings & Experiences

    Creative invitations to slow down together in our respective journeys by integrating contemplative practices and storytelling with our physical surroundings.

Be a part of our next event

“The Wonder Aloud retreat was such a sweet and precious time with God that I had really been lacking because of the busyness in my life…it was honestly very necessary for me personally and brought about deep healing and peace in my life.”

Watch the video to hear Vicky Xia, Youth Director of Living Stone Christian Church, share about her experience attending a Refresh silent retreat and working with Wonder Aloud to bring this experience to her church leadership team.

Organizations Journeyed With

Join the Table

Our community of monthly givers sustain pathways to individual and communal connection and care. Come be a part of making room for others to experience the extravagant hospitality of God!

Group of people sitting down to share a meal together